Apple Carrefour Laval — Electronics Store in Laval

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Apple Carrefour Laval

Electronics Store at 3035, boulevard Le Carrefour, local C14B, Laval, QC H7T 1C8, Canada, Laval, Quebec, H7T 1C8 . Here you will find detailed information about Apple Carrefour Laval: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday
    10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday
    10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday
    9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sunday
    10:00 AM – 5:00 PM


Based on 15 reviews


3035, boulevard Le Carrefour, local C14B, Laval, QC H7T 1C8, Canada, Laval, Quebec, H7T 1C8
H7T 1C8

Photo gallery

Office photos Apple Carrefour Laval -->
  • Office photos Apple Carrefour Laval
  • Apple Carrefour Laval road map
  • Apple Carrefour Laval satellite image

About Apple Carrefour Laval

Apple Carrefour Laval is a UK Electronics Store based in Laval, Quebec. Apple Carrefour Laval is located at 3035, boulevard Le Carrefour, local C14B, Laval, QC H7T 1C8, Canada,

Please contact Apple Carrefour Laval using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Apple Carrefour Laval opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Apple Carrefour Laval

  • Autumn
    Added 2016.08.30
  • Isaac
    Added 2016.07.29
    Below is the screenshot of the incident and it did not appear in your analytics report:
  • Adeline
    Added 2016.07.23
  • Josiah
    Added 2016.05.21
    I have had Apple Care + for my two of iPhone 5S, SE for a while now. This is first time I contacted them and faced a horrible experience. The front camera on 5S got little blur and was not clear. I contacted my service provider and they gave me the Apple Support phone to contact. I took an appointment at Laval, QC location and they told me that dust got in from the top somewhere and replaced the phone for 90 dollars. When he turned on the phone it said NO SIM. He tried it again and it worked. I ignored the problem and left home. When I came home the issue kept recurring. I was half way through the backup process and it required 2 way authentication. Option 1: Send message to your phone, Option 2: Call the phone. In my case it was sending the message and calling but because my phone kept throwing the error NO SIM, there were no direct solution. I called the support and it was it was kind-of try this, try that situation. At last I created a new apple account and did the backup. But, as mentioned the NO SIM issue kept recurring and there is no specific period or event causing it. It sometime happens in weird emergency situation like when I am in job, meeting my client or driving with GPS on my phone. Since, this happened multiple times in 2 weeks with brand new phone. I called the support and they were not able to help over the phone and gave me the appointment at Laval, QC the same store.
  • Austin
    Added 2016.02.13
    More Apple staff standing around telling you to wait in a corner than actually assisting people with their product issues. Complete waste of time and man power.
  • Victoria
    Added 2016.01.16
    I, as an user did not build this product. I do not know how to reproduce the issue. I do not want to be a part of your testing process. I have other things to do rather than spending time at your store. For past 2 years, I haven't visited your store, support or contacted you in other forms, because I did face an issue. I paid for the phone, I paid for the applecare +, I paid for the extra amount for the replacement, I contact support 4 times, I made 3 visits to the store. I do not want to spend time resolving your brand new product related issues. I do not care if it an old phone or older version of the phone, all I want is uninterrupted service and good support and responsibility for something I paid for.
  • Chloe
    Added 2015.11.19
  • Eleanor
    Added 2015.09.18
    Toujours beaucoup de monde, c'est malgré tout très bien organisé, et c'est un endroit accueillant. Important de prendre un rendez-vous si vous désirez des conseils ou si vous avez besoin d'effectuer une réparation, un rendez-vous par appareil, si vous venez pour plusieurs appareils, prenez plusieurs rendez-vous.
  • Addison
    Added 2015.05.28
    Forget going to this store. It’s faster to order online and wait for the shipping. Terrible service.
  • Asher
    Added 2015.05.10
  • Eli
    Added 2015.05.05
  • Natalie
    Added 2014.09.27
    I went there and the technician checked my SIM and said there is not problem with SIM. However he was not able to reproduce the issue. He kept reinstalling the SIM. I mentioned I do not want you to cause additional problem to SIM. He kept doing it and assuring me there is no problem with the SIM. He could not reproduce the issue so turned the phone off and on and did network reset and told me now MAY BE the issue is fixed. He did an Analytics report on the software and said there is no issue. How can it report it when the issue is with hardware (SIM SLOT). Would it report if I wrote something back of my phone. He called his manager Alexandre Forest the store manager. Dealing with guy was a nightmare and the worst customer service ever. He said change your SIM and come back if with the issue, when it occurs, with out even having a look at the SIM or Phone. Except physical abuse, he did everything possible to hurt us. He has made unnecessary suggestions like carrying the SIM slot PIN with me all the time.
  • Jayden
    Added 2014.08.09
    - How can Mr. Alexandre Forest the store manager blame the service provider, when his colleague examined the SIM few minutes before he spoke? There was not one time before I had to remove the SIM. If there was any damage to the SIM, the only possibility is because of the way you have handled it. In case, I replace the SIM and the issue occurs, will you pay bear the charges for the SIM, my time and the humiliation you caused us in store?
  • Matthew
    Added 2014.04.01
    - If only turning on/off phone and doing network reset was the solution, why did the support agent recommend doing it when I called the support?
  • Andrew
    Added 2014.03.24
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